Hello, Life, in all your quirks and foibles and inconveniences, in the obstacles, oppressions, realities that, mmmm, might be nice if they were a little less demanding and harsh. Oh, that’s how it is? Breathe with us, Life, as we adapt to this major shift in being, as we struggle to comprehend the vastness of our changing climate and world, as we find managing a loving and dignified life each day challenging enough. May we support one another in meeting the challenges that need from us not just to change and go with the flow – sometimes the flow is not what is needed! – but to embrace developing skills or gifts or appreciations or networks of resilience and care, to transform from who we are now to who we cannot even fully imagine we will be. Hello, Life, yes, these invitations are not optional, so help us drum up courage together, dance up and out our anger and fears and bring forth our fierce joy and determination, dream into being options, choices, opportunities that nurture love, justice, peace, and equity. Hello, Life, keep offering this ground for growth and witness and, together, may we root down, leaf out, and bring forth blessings, gifts, and just daily good-enoughs-for-now. Amen.
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