Wisdom, breathe with us. Breathe with us in long, slow, calming breaths even as click-bait flashes across our screens promising us if we are living right, no knotty issues will bother or inconvenience us every again. Breathe with us in long, slow, calming breaths even as those who are quite happy to make the tangles and snarls tighter jeer and chitter and even try to tell us that those constrictions and struggles will deliver us to some better time. Wisdom, breathe with us in long, slow, calming breaths even as we and others want to give up, put the knotty issues down, and turn away, pretending they are not so bad, or difficult, or somehow will soften and undo themselves with time. Breathe with us, Wisdom, in long, slow, calming breaths as we try to find a way and then try again and keep trying collectively because in these knots are people’s lives and wellbeing and dignity, and so worthy of our efforts, our patience, our ingenuity, and our persistence. Wisdom, breathe with us in long, slow, calming breaths until we co-create a future that brings blessings and joy, healing and amends, and invites us all to dance. Amen.
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